12 Everyday Foods That Can Be Toxic (Even Fatal)

7. Eggs

It might seem surprising to have eggs included in a list of toxic foods, because for most people they’re just such a part of our everyday lives.

We eat our eggs, fried, scrambled, boiled, poached, as omelettes  and of course they’re present in literally thousands of recipes. There’s a number of health benefits to eggs:

  • packed with protein
  • low in fat
  • lots of other nutrients

However, apart from the often discussed cholesterol issues associated with eggs, there is one other significant – and potentially deadly – danger, and that is the fact that eggs can contain the salmonella bacteria. Getting salmonella poisoning is definitely not something to be treated lightly and to someone who’s not in particularly good health it can easily become fatal.

The danger is with raw eggs. All of the cooking methods listed above will kill the salmonella bacteria and make the egg safe to eat. But never consume raw egg, either on it’s own or in a recipe. You’ll be playing with fire if you do.

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7. Eggs

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