Apples are almost certainly the most common fruit available in almost all western countries – wouldn’t you agree?

Perhaps it’s this commonality that causes so many of us to largely ignore them. But it time to stop doing that! Apples really are one of nature’s true gifts. They’re packed with vitamins and dietary fiber and also very rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients that greatly assist in fighting destructive free-radicals.

In one study, non-smoking women between the ages of 30-50 were randomly given one of three dietary supplements, adding 3 apples per day to their normal diets, 3 pears per day, or 3 oat cookies per day.

You’d probably expect the fruit group to lose more weight than the oat cookies group, and this was the case. The fruit group lost a pound on average more than the oat group. Now that’s not huge, but if you also consider the other benefits of fruit it does help show why it’s so important.


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