Blackcurrant Supplement Claimed To Burn As Much Fat As 4 Weeks Of Regular Exercise

A new blackcurrant based weight loss supplement from New Zealand called CurraNZ is getting nutritionists very excited. Here’s now it works…

A blackcurrant-extract supplement can burn as much fat as four weeks of regular exercise, new research suggests.

When taken twice a day for just one week, the vitamin increases fat burning by an average of 27 per cent, with one study participant achieving a rise of 55 per cent.

Known as CurraNZ, the supplement is made from New Zealand blackcurrants and costs £21.75 for a pack of 30.

The berries contain nutrients, called polyphenols, which are thought to encourage fat burning during exercise by increasing blood flow, according to the researchers.

Study author Dr Sam Shepherd, from Liverpool John Moores University, said: ‘Seven days is not a very long time to see such big changes.

‘Anything above 20 per cent is typically what we expect to see with three-to-four weeks of regular endurance exercise training.’

This follows previous research that found the same supplement increases fat burning by around 21 per cent in active men.

Dr Shepherd said: ‘It was positive to see that the effects of blackcurrants on fat burning extend to females, especially since women already have a greater reliance on fat as a fuel compared to men.’

The researchers believe their findings may also benefit people with obesity or type 2 diabetes.

Dr Shepherd said: ‘Unhealthy people have a reduced capacity for fat burning compared to healthy people and therefore, in theory, the supplement could potentially exert at least a similar or greater effect in unhealthy individuals.’

Professor Mark Willems, from the University of Chichester, who has previously been involved in CurraNZ studies, said: ‘It is great to know that there are now observations of enhanced exercise-induced fat oxidation by New Zealand blackcurrant extract in endurance trained women and men.

‘These high-impact findings reinforce the unprecedented effect blackcurrant is having on fat oxidation, which is an exciting development in unlocking the potential of New Zealand blackcurrant extract for all from athletes to unhealthy people.’

The findings were published in the  European Journal of Applied Physiology… Read More

Read the full article at The Daily Mail

Have you heard about this before? To me it sounds really very interesting and exciting. I can’t wait to get my hands on some of it and give it a try! I’ll let you all know how it works when I do.



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