Low Carb Sweeteners – Avoid These 3!

Most of us (yes, I’ve got my own hand raised) enjoy the taste of something sweet, at least on an occasional basis. Yes, I know that our vegetables and certain fruits are what we should really be striving for, but dammit, sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do – right? Having said that, […]

You Are What You Eat – So Eat These 10 Super Healthy Vegetables!

I’ve always loved eating fruit anf vegetables. Even when I was a young child, which my parents found to be quite amazing. I’m not vegetarian, I do enjoy small quantities of both meat and fish, but it’s my vegetables that have always been the high point for me. Unfortunately I also got into the habit […]

Blackcurrant Supplement Claimed To Burn As Much Fat As 4 Weeks Of Regular Exercise

There’s something about I’ve always loved blackcurrants, in all of it’s forms. There’s something about their combination of tartness and sweetness that always hits the right spot for me. I’ve always assumed them to be a very healthy food as well, very rich in vitamin C and anti-oxydants and science backs up that assumption as […]

11 Keto Recipes You’ll Come Back To Again And Again

The Ketogenic Diet has been around for some time now, and I guess that’s it’s not difficult to see the reason why. If you’re new to the concept, the Ketogenic Diet is based on consuming high quantities of protein (think bacon, butter, cheese) and massively reduced quantities of carbohydrates. Replacing carbs with fats apparently puts […]

I Totally Cracked Up With Laughter Watching This: The Time Travel Dietitian

Sometimes we all get so worked up about our new healthy lifestyles and diet plans that we become perhaps just a little bit obsessive about it all, don’t you agree? It’s understandable of course. After all, our new lifestyles are making us all look and feel better, so it’s probably natural that we pay attention […]

Here’s 6 Things You Should NEVER Do After Eating. How Guilty Are You?

If you’re on a weight control diet or ever have been then you’re probably like me and have become somewhat obsessive about the food you consume – right? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that of course. After all, it’s always better to pay attention to what you consume than to simply eat whatever takes your […]

Do YOU Eat Oatmeal Every Day? Here’s What Will Happen If You Do Just That

Oats or oatmeal as they’re often known have been around for many centuries, and have been a staple item of diet for a lot of different cultures during that time. Sadly though, in the west oats are too often thought about as being suitable for horse feed and little else. It’s sad because pound for […]

Why Is Karela Juice So Perfect For Weight Loss?

There’s no doubt at all that karela – or bitter gourd – isn’t one of the worlds favorite vegetables. That word “bitter” tells us why. Yet it’s universally acknowledged that this pungent tasting veggie is one of the most nutritious that anyone can add to their diet, and if you can get past it’s taste, […]

5 Fruits You Should Be Eating NOW To Boost Health & Trim That Waistband

How much fruit do you eat on a regular basis? If you’re anything like the great majority of westerners, the answer is likely to be: not nearly enough! Fruit really is one of Mother Nature’s true bounties, and we should all be making sure that our diet contains a wide variety of them. Sure they […]