14 Days To A Butt You Can Be Proud Of

These are best described as “Squats On Steroids”! You’ll find them tiring and probably difficult initially, but persevere and you’ll be well rewarded for your efforts – I promise.

To do them:

  1. stand upright with your heels about shoulder distance apart
  2. turn your toes open slightly
  3. bend your knees, ensuring your hips are pushed back and lower down into a squat
  4. go as low down as you can, until your hips are just below knee level

Ten repetitions are good to start with, but try to at least double that eventually.



These workouts have had a major effect on my on behind. If you make a reasonably dedicated effort for the next two weeks, then you’ll certainly see changes in yours as well.

Happy reshaping!

Next Article: Cardio Or Weights – Which Is Best For You?

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5. Sumo Squats

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